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Saturday, March 12, 2011
How to Type Exponents in Microsoft Word
1. Open a new document in Microsoft Word.
2. Type the base number, or the number that will be multiplied by itself. For example, your base number may be '5.'
3. Enter the exponent, or the number of times the base number will be multiplied, next to the base number. This will look like a double-digit number, such as '57.'
4. Click-hold on the number on the right by placing your cursor on the left side of it and dragging the cursor to the left to highlight only the exponent number, the '7.'
5. Go to 'Format' and select 'Font.' Click 'Superscript' and hit 'OK.' The exponent will now appear smaller and to the upper right of the base number.
6. Go back to 'Format' and choose 'Font' again. Un-check the box next to 'Superscript' so that any numbers following the exponential notation will appear as normal.