Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How to Remove the Header From the Second Page Using Word 2007

Adding a Header and Creating a Section Break
1. Open Microsoft Word and the document you want to work with. Double-click the first page at the top of the page and above the words to open the header area of the document. Click “Header” in the ribbon under the Header & Footer section. Select a header style for your document and enter the text for the header. Click “Close Header and Footer.”
2. Move your cursor to beginning of the second page of the document. Be sure your cursor is in front of the first letter on the page you want a different header.
3. Click “Page Layout” in the ribbon. Click “Breaks” in the Page Setup section. You will get a drop-down menu of breaks you can do in your document.
4. Select “Next Page” to break your document into two sections. You are now ready to remove the second-page header.
Removing the Header in the New Section
5. Double-click the header on the second page of your document. Notice in your header the words “Same as Previous” appear in the far right corner. When you double-clicked the header section, you brought up the Design menu in the ribbon. In the Navigation section, you should see a "Link to Previous" option.
6. Click "Link to Previous” to break the link to the previous header.
7. Click “Header” in the far left column of the ribbon under the Header & Footer section.
8. Click “Remove Header” at the bottom of the drop-down menu. Your header should still appear on page one.

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