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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
How to Add Auto
1. Go to 'Tools' on the top left menu in Word, and scroll down to 'AutoCorrect Options...' This will open up a box that is full of items Word will automatically correct as you type. The list of words can be found on the very bottom of the box.
2. Put the cursor in the 'Replace' box using the mouse, if it is not already there. Type the word you wish to be auto-corrected as you type. For instance, if you are typing a document or story with a proper name, and want Word to capitalize it, add the name, without caps, into this first command box.
3. Type the word you wish the program to replace the word in the left box with. To do this you will type it in the box labeled 'With,' located to the right of the 'Replace' box. In the given example, you would type the name using the correct capitalization. Once both words are typed in the boxes, click the 'Add' button. Word will automatically substitute the first word with the second, as you indicated.