Monday, November 11, 2013

How to Create a Table of Figures in Microsoft Word

1. Open Microsoft Word.
2. Start a new document and write your content.
3. Create your figures. Each figure needs a label before you can create the table.
4. Highlight the first figure for which you want to create a caption.
5. Navigate to the 'Insert' menu. Click 'Insert,' select 'Reference' and then select 'Caption.' A dialog box with more options displays.
6. Use the pick list for the 'Label' field in the dialog box to decide how you want to name the figure. Word will name the figure according to the default value in the 'Label' field unless you customize the caption by using the 'New Label' button.
7. Indicate whether Word should place the caption above or below the figure by using the 'Position' field pick list in the dialog box.
8. Review your selections and hit the 'OK' button to close the dialog box and apply your selections.
9. Repeat the steps above to insert captions for the rest of your figures.
10. Place the cursor at the location in your document where you want to put the table of figures.
11. Go to the menu bar again. Click 'Insert,' then 'Reference' and then 'Index and Tables.'
12. Access the tab titled 'Table of Figures.' In the dialog box that displays, use the check boxes, pick lists or 'Options' and 'Modify' buttons to make additional changes. For example, you can display and align page numbers, adjust styles and change the table formatting.
13. Click the 'OK' button to create the table of figures in your Word document.
14. Look at the table of figures to ensure that it displays properly and is complete and accurate.

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