Friday, February 22, 2013

How to Perform a Signature Block on My Computer

1. Open a new Microsoft Word 2007 document and type your letter. Alternatively, open an existing letter that includes your signature block. Scroll down to the signature block.
2. Review the signature block to ensure it contains all of the generic information you find yourself typing repeatedly. Remember this information. Delete it and prepare to re-type it while you record your macro.
3. Click on the 'Tools' menu then then click 'Macro' and 'Record New Macro.' Type 'Signature Block' in the box marked 'Macro Name.' Type 'This is my signature block for letters' in the 'Description' box within the 'Record New Macro' dialogue box.
4. Click the 'Normal.dotm' button to make your macro available in all Microsoft document formats. Click 'Toolbars' then 'Commands' then 'Keyboard' to assign a keyboard shortcut key to your macro so that you can insert your signature block in future letters with the press of a key.
5. Locate the 'Press new shortcut key' box and enter the key or key sequence (i.e. 's' 'b') that, when pressed, will activate your macro. Click 'Assign' then 'Close.'
6. Type your signature block into your Word document. Type your first and last name then press 'Enter' to skip a line. Type your title, skip a line; include whatever other information you want in your signature block (e.g., company name, address, phone number, email address and website address), starting each piece of information on a new line.
7. Press 'Stop Recording' when your signature block is complete. Open a new Word document and test your macro by press your shortcut key(s) and watch as Microsoft enters the signature block for you.

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