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Thursday, June 16, 2011
How Do I Insert a Multi Page Adobe Acrobat File Into a Word Document?
Insert the File as a Hyperlink
1. Launch Microsoft Word and open the document into which you want to insert a multi-page Adobe Acrobat file in the background. Click once on the 'File' menu' and select 'Open.' This will launch a separate 'Open' dialogue window. Select the folder in which the document is saved from the list in the 'Look in' drop-down menu. Click once on the file name and once on the 'Open' button.
2. Place the cursor in the area of the document to which you want to place the Adobe Acrobat file. Click once on the 'Insert' menu and select the 'Hyperlink' option. This will launch an 'Insert Hyperlink' dialogue box. Select the folder in which the Adobe Acrobat file is saved from the list in the 'Look in' drop-down menu. Click once on the file name to select it. The name of the file will appear in the 'Address' field. Type a name for the Adobe Acrobat file link in the 'Text to display' field. This is the text that will appear with the link that will launch the file. Click once on the 'OK' button.
3. Test the link by holding down the 'Control' (Ctrl) key and clicking once on the link. The Adobe Acrobat file will launch in your default PDF-reading program. You may edit the link by right-clicking once on it and selecting the 'Edit Hyperlink' option. This will launch a separate 'Edit Hyperlink' dialogue window. You may delete any hyperlink by highlighting and deleting it. You may also right-click once and select the 'Remove Hyperlink' option.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any additional Adobe Acrobat files that you want to insert into the Word document. Remember to save the new document using the 'Save As' feature under the 'File' menu. In order to preserve the original content, you may want to save the document with the Adobe Acrobat files in the background under a new file name.
Insert the File as an Object within the Document
5. Launch Microsoft Word and open the document into which you want to insert a multi-page Adobe Acrobat file in the background. Click once on the 'File' menu' and select 'Open.' This will launch a separate 'Open' dialogue window. Select the folder in which the document is saved from the list in the 'Look in' drop-down menu. Click once on the file name and once on the 'Open' button.
6. Place the cursor in the area of the document to which you want to place the Adobe Acrobat file. Click once on the 'Insert' menu and select the 'Object' option. This will launch a separate 'Object' dialogue box. Select the 'Create from File' tab on the 'Object' window and click once on the 'Browse' button. Select the folder in which the Adobe Acrobat file is saved from the list in the 'Look in' drop-down menu. Make certain the 'Files of type' field is set to 'All files.' Click once on the file name to select it. Click once on the 'Insert' button. Click once in the box next to the 'Display as icon' field and then once on the 'OK' button. The Adobe Acrobat file will appear as a PDF file icon.
7. Test the object by double-clicking on it. The Adobe Acrobat file will launch in your default PDF-reading program. You may edit the object by right-clicking once on it and selecting the 'Format Object' option. This will launch a separate 'Format Object' dialogue window. If you select the 'Layout' tab and choose one of the 'Wrapping' options, you will be able to move the PDF icon anywhere within the document by clicking once on it and dragging it to a new location while holding down the mouse button. You may delete any object by clicking once on it and pressing the 'Delete' key (Del).
8. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for any additional Adobe Acrobat files that you want to insert into the background. Remember to save the new document using the 'Save As' feature under the 'File' menu. In order to preserve the original content, you may want to save the document with the Adobe Acrobat files in the background under a new file name.